среда, 25. јун 2014.

What to wear somewhere?

Ćao dragi mojii, novi post je KONAČNO stigao. Šta kažete da se bacimo na kul odevne kombinacije koje možete da nosite u određenim situacijama? Ja glasam za DA :D Uzgred, uživajte u pesmi "Demons" dok čitate ovo.

Hey my dear peoples, the new post has FINALLY arrived. What do you think about writing about combinations for special situations in this post? I vote for YES :D Btw, while you read this, enjoy in song "Demons".

Šta nositi na bazenu ili plaži? Ogovor je svakako- kupaći; ali, evo nekih trendi kombinacija za ovu sezonu.

What to wear for swimming pool or beach? Answer is sure - swimwear; but, there's a few trendy ideas for this season.

Kupaći sa printovima zastava su hit leta! Jednodelni ili dvodelni,sasvim je nebitno,iako većina vas misli da su dvodelni kupaći moderniji (što je u neku ruku istina), ni jednodelni kupaći kostimi nisu toliko zastareli koliko možda mislite,čak su dosta popularni.
Flag printed swimwear is hit for this summer! One-piece or two-piece swimsuit, it doesn't really important. Even though most of you think that two-piece swimsuits are more popular (which is kinda true),one-piece swimwear are not as old as you think they're. They are modern too.

Ali to nije jedino što je popularno. Osim jednobojnih kupaćih kostima (koji će uvek biti u modi), malo neobičnog dizajna nije na odmet.
    But, that's not all that is popular. Except usual one colored swimsuited (which will always remain in fashion), a little bit extraordinary design can't be adverse.

Ako ste odgledali spot "More than friends" Rumunske pevačice Inne, sigurno ste primetili njen zadivljujući kupaći. I vama bi dobro došao jedan takav,zar ne?

If you've watched video for song "More than friends" by Romanian singer Inna, you noticed her stunning swimsuit. You would be happy with one similar, wouldn't you?

Po oblicima podseća na prethodni,ali jednobojan je, i malo elegantiji, ne previše napadan ali upečatljiv.

It looks a bit like previous because of shapes,but it's plain and more gracious. Not too conspicuous, but it is striking.

Kupaći sa resama je IN, pa zašto da i vi ne budete u trendu i nabavite sebi jedan ovakav?

Swimsuits with tassels are very fashionable, so,why don't you be fashionable too and buy yourself one?

Još jedna činjenica u kupovini kupaćih je to što ne morate da kupite sasvim isti gornji i donji deo. Možete da ukombinujete dva različita dela i dobijete savršenu kombinaciju.
One more thing in buying swimwear is the fact you don't have to buy matching top and bottom. You can combine two different coloured top and bottom and result is perfect combination.

Sledeće šta se pitamo je šta da obučemo ako smo pozvani na neki događaj kao što je venčanje, krštenje ili neka druga svečanost.
Next on our list is: what to wear if we're invited on wedding, christening or any other festivity.

Skoro je leto,tako da je haljina veoma dobar izbor, što elegantije - to bolje. Ipak ako niste ljubitelji haljina ili suknji, možete se odlučiti i za kombinaciju pantalona i košulje ili nečeg sličnog.
It's almost summer, so, dress would be very good choice,more elegance is always better. But, if you're not dress and skirt lovers, you can choose something else. For example, combination of shirt and pants or something like that.

Kratke crne i bele haljine nikada nisu promašaj, pogotovu ove malo elegantnije sa mašnicom i kragnom. Od nakita možete ako želite da stavite neke narukvice ali pazite da ih lepo ukombinujete sa ovakvim haljinama. Mislim da bi uz baletanke ovo bi bio pogodak.
Little black & white dresses are never mishits, especially the elegant ones with bow and collar. If you want some jewerly you can put on some bracelets,but be careful,they should be well combinated with these dreses, I think that ballet shoes would be perfect with this.

Ni duže haljine nisu loše za neke svečanosti,ali sve zavisi o kakvoj svečanosti se radi. Ne treba biti graciozniji neko što se od gostiju nekog slavlja očekuje,opet ponavljam, sve zavisi gde ste pozvani.
Long dresses are great too for some festivities,but it depends what is the kind of festivity. You shouldn't be more gracious than it's expected from guests of some celebration,again I repeat, it depends on where are you invited.

Sada za prilike kada ne želite, ili jednostavno ne volite da nosite haljine, evo nekih primera šta možete obući:
And now,for sometimes you don't want to,or you don't like to wear dresses at all,here are some examples what can you wear:


Sledeća stavka,i zadnja u ovom postu je letnja žurka,neka diskoteka ili nešto tome slično.
Last,but not the least thing in this post is summer party,disco and similar stuff.

Pošto je leto,izaberite neki tanji material odeće, da li će to biti haljina,ili pak kombinacija helanki i tunike, to je totalno vaš izbor.
Since it's summer, I suggest choosing thinner cloth. Are you going to wear a dress,or leggins and tunic, it's totally your choice.
Haljine,duže ili kraće, su dobra ideja za žurke,a što se dužine tiče, dužina do kolena je po meni prikladna,ali naravno nije zabranjeno da odete u kraćoj,sve zavisi u čemu se osećate ugodnije i šta je prikladnije prilici.
Dresses- shorter or longer,good idea for parties,and now; what about its length? My opinion is that dress a liitle above the knees is appropriate, of course it's not prohibited to wear shorter one if you feel more comfortable in it and if it's appropriate for place you're going.

Boja nije toliko bitna,ali preporučujem lude boje, narukvice, sve što nađete (nažalost zbog okolnosti koje su zadesile moj laptop,nisam bila u mogućnosti da nađem takve primere,nadam se da shvatate).
The colour isn't that important, but I recommend wild, vibrant colours, bracelets, everything you can find(unfortunately, due to circumstances which have befallen my laptop,I could't find that examples of dresses,I hope you understand).

 Pričam o ovakvim luudim bojama.
                                                                                       I'm talking about theeeese wild colours.

Ako mislite da na žurke možete da idete samo u haljinama,grdno se varate. Ima toliko kombinacija koje možete da pokažete na zabavama ovog tipa.
If you think that you can only party in dresses, think again. There are SO many combinations that you can show on that kind of festivities.

Ovakve šarene,upadljive helanke mogu da se nose sa običnim belim majicama sa natpisima (o čemu ćemo detaljno u sledećem postu :) ), ili ipak hrabro ukombinujte sa šarenim gornjim delom,samo pazite da ne izgledate kao klovn.
These colorful, eye-catching ltights can be worn with plain white T-shirts with captions (which we will detail in the next post :) ), or still bravely combinate them with colorful top, just make sure you do not look like a clown.

Majice kratkih rukava ili bez rukava u kombinaciji sa šortsem su idealne. Što se obuće tiče,ako je hladnije,to mogu biti patike,ali starke ili neke tanjeg materijala,a baletanke i druge sandale svakako dolaze u obzir.
T-shirts with short sleeves or no sleeves combined with shorts are ideal. And footwear: if it is colder, that can be trainers, but converse or some made of thinner material, and ballet shoes and other sandals certainly can be worn.

Još jedan primer crno bele kombinacije za malo svežije letnje dane, kul i moderno.
One more example of black and white combination for a bit cooler summer days, fresh and modern.

Završavamo ovaj post sa kombinacijom šortsa i kratke košulje vezane malo iznad stomaka. Takođe još jedna upadljiva,trendi kombinacija.
We're finishing this post with combination of shorts and short shirt (lol) tied just above the stomach. Also one more striking, trendy combination.

Pa ljudi,za sad je to to. U sledećem postu ćemo, kao što sam već pomenula, malo više o majicama sa raznim tekstovima,i sve o njima. Imate pozdrav od mene,baj baaj. :)
Well guys, that's it for now. In next post, as I mentioned, more details about T-shirts with text printed on them and everything about them. You have greetings from me,bye bye. :)

петак, 6. јун 2014.

School ends- "Relax, take it eeeeeasy "

Pa ovako dragi čitaoci,
Prvo želim da vam se izvinim što duže vreme nije bilo nikakvih postova,ali znate kako je to kad ste prenatrpani školom. Imala sam i dosta obaveza u skorije vreme ali evo škola se polako završava, za neke je već i školska godina završena(blago vama :D), biće više postova od sad- obećavam :) Želim svima odmah da poželim da se lepo provedu na raspustu, opuste se od svega i jednostavno uživaju u životu. :) <3
Voli vas najviše,
Ja ;)

Well, my dearest readers,
First of all, I'd like to say I'm sorry there weren't any posts here in last few months, but you know when all you have to do is studying, that's bad.. I had lots of other obligations too,but , here I am now, school is slowly ending, for some of you it's already finished (good for you :D). There will be more posts from now- I promise. And I'd like to add: Have a good, nice and fine time GREAT time and enjoy your holidays and your beautiful life <3 :D
Love you all,
Me <3

Okej, u zadnje vreme postajem ooogromni fan 5SOS-a , pa ako već niste čuli za njih, odslušajte neku pesmicu,stvarno su dobri <3 :D
Btw, I became a huuuuge fan of 5SOS, so, If you haven't already heard for them, listen some songs, they are really good :D :D

5 Seconds Of Summer - She looks so perfect <3

"They say we're to young now to amount to anything else, but look around, we worked to damn hard for this just to give it up now. If you don't swim, you'll drown, but don't move, honey."