Prvo nekoliko klasičnih saveta, uopšteno za modu.. :
1) Ako ti se nešto od odeće ili obuće mnooogo sviđa a malo je, NE KUPUJ TO!
2) NIKAD ne eksperimentiši sa bojom kose pred neki događaj, žurku i sl. , jer ako obojiš kosu u neku boju koja ti se ipak ne sviđa trebaće ti vremena da je ukloniš.
3) Ako je trenutno u modi nešto što ti se ne sviđa kako izgleda na tebi, nigde ne piše da MORAŠ to da nosiš, i zato nemoj!
-Ovo su moja 3 zlatna pravila :) . Ima ih još, ali ova su po meni veoma bitna.
First a few classic tips, generally for fashion .. :
1) If you like any of the clothing or shoes, and it's too tight or too big , DON'T BUY IT!
2) NEVER experiment with hair color before an event, party, etc.. Because if hair is in a color that you don't like it'll take time to remove it.
3) If is currently in fashion something you don't like, nowhere is it written that you HAVE TO wear it, so don't!
-These are my three golden rules :). There are more, but these are very important to me.
A sadaa... Jedan modni savet za LETO :
And now,.. One fashion advice for the SUMMER :
*DREČAVE BOJE* Leto je i ono što bi bilo odlično da nosiš su drečave boje.Nebitno da li je u pitanju lak za nokte, kupaći, narukvice, bilo šta! Drečavo može i da se kombinuje i sa neupadljivim bojama, pa će to više doći do izražaja zbog kontrasta. Samo nosi drečavo, drečavo i drečavo! :D
*GARISH COLOURS *It's summer and what would be more awesome to wear than the garish colours. No matter whether is it nail polish, swimsuit, bracelets, anything! Garish can be combined with neutral colors, and it'll come to the fore because of the contrast. Just wear garish, garish and garish! : D
-Divno uklopljeni drečavo žuti lak sa šortsem iste boje i roze majicom.
-Wonderful garish yellow nail polish matched with the same colored shorts and a pink shirt.
- Upadljiva šminka u stilu 80-ih , ako je lepo iskombinuješ uz odgovarajuću odevnu kombinaciju, što da ne? Stil osamdesetih se polako vraća u modu.
- The striking makeup in the style of the 80's, if it is good combined with the appropriate outfit, why not?The eighties style is slowly coming back into fashion.
- Preedivan kupaći - Zeleno-plava kombinacija, odlična za ovo leto.
- Lovely swimsuit! -Green-blue combination, great for this summer.
- E.. Ovo je nešto što ne bih nikada, nigde obula, a ne bih ih ni uzela iz prodavnice da mi poklone.. Upadljivo je, ali TOOOOTALNI promašaj ako mene pitate..
- This is something I wouldn't ever, anywhere wore, and I wouldn't take them out of the store, even if they give me them for free.. It is striking, but a total failure if you ask me ..
- Prava letnja haljinica. Ne previše kratka, ni predugačka, a još je i upadljivo roze boje. Super u kombinaciji sa belom narukvicom, ogrlicom a i minđušama - kao na slici.
- Great summer dress. Not too short, not too long, and it is a striking pink coloured. Super combined with white bracelet, necklace and earrings - as shown.
- Ideš negde, obukla si zelene farmerke, ljubičastu majicu i crne cipele na štiklu.. Ali vidiš da ti nešto nedostaje, a to su drečave narukvice. Kada ih kupuješ, ponekad dobiješ 10-ak (kao na slici) ,a ponekad 1. Oba slučaja su modi, ali što više narukvica to bolje! (Što ne znači da treba sve narukvice iz kuće da staviš na jednu ruku i da se ništa ne slaže)
- You're going somewhere, you're wearing green jeans, a purple shirt and black high heel shoes.. But you see that's something missing, and that are garish bracelets. When you buy them, sometimes you get about 10 (as shown), and sometimes 1. Both cases are fashionable, but the more the better! (Which doesn't mean you have to put all the bracelets from the house on your hand if nothing matches)
To je to..Imate li neki komentar ili pitanje u vezi sa ovim? :)
That's all.. Do you have any comment or question about this? :)
1) Ako ti se nešto od odeće ili obuće mnooogo sviđa a malo je, NE KUPUJ TO!
2) NIKAD ne eksperimentiši sa bojom kose pred neki događaj, žurku i sl. , jer ako obojiš kosu u neku boju koja ti se ipak ne sviđa trebaće ti vremena da je ukloniš.
3) Ako je trenutno u modi nešto što ti se ne sviđa kako izgleda na tebi, nigde ne piše da MORAŠ to da nosiš, i zato nemoj!
-Ovo su moja 3 zlatna pravila :) . Ima ih još, ali ova su po meni veoma bitna.
First a few classic tips, generally for fashion .. :
1) If you like any of the clothing or shoes, and it's too tight or too big , DON'T BUY IT!
2) NEVER experiment with hair color before an event, party, etc.. Because if hair is in a color that you don't like it'll take time to remove it.
3) If is currently in fashion something you don't like, nowhere is it written that you HAVE TO wear it, so don't!
-These are my three golden rules :). There are more, but these are very important to me.
And now,.. One fashion advice for the SUMMER :
*DREČAVE BOJE* Leto je i ono što bi bilo odlično da nosiš su drečave boje.Nebitno da li je u pitanju lak za nokte, kupaći, narukvice, bilo šta! Drečavo može i da se kombinuje i sa neupadljivim bojama, pa će to više doći do izražaja zbog kontrasta. Samo nosi drečavo, drečavo i drečavo! :D
*GARISH COLOURS *It's summer and what would be more awesome to wear than the garish colours. No matter whether is it nail polish, swimsuit, bracelets, anything! Garish can be combined with neutral colors, and it'll come to the fore because of the contrast. Just wear garish, garish and garish! : D
-Divno uklopljeni drečavo žuti lak sa šortsem iste boje i roze majicom.
-Wonderful garish yellow nail polish matched with the same colored shorts and a pink shirt.
- Upadljiva šminka u stilu 80-ih , ako je lepo iskombinuješ uz odgovarajuću odevnu kombinaciju, što da ne? Stil osamdesetih se polako vraća u modu.
- The striking makeup in the style of the 80's, if it is good combined with the appropriate outfit, why not?The eighties style is slowly coming back into fashion.
- Preedivan kupaći - Zeleno-plava kombinacija, odlična za ovo leto.
- Lovely swimsuit! -Green-blue combination, great for this summer.
- E.. Ovo je nešto što ne bih nikada, nigde obula, a ne bih ih ni uzela iz prodavnice da mi poklone.. Upadljivo je, ali TOOOOTALNI promašaj ako mene pitate..
- This is something I wouldn't ever, anywhere wore, and I wouldn't take them out of the store, even if they give me them for free.. It is striking, but a total failure if you ask me ..
- Great summer dress. Not too short, not too long, and it is a striking pink coloured. Super combined with white bracelet, necklace and earrings - as shown.
- Ideš negde, obukla si zelene farmerke, ljubičastu majicu i crne cipele na štiklu.. Ali vidiš da ti nešto nedostaje, a to su drečave narukvice. Kada ih kupuješ, ponekad dobiješ 10-ak (kao na slici) ,a ponekad 1. Oba slučaja su modi, ali što više narukvica to bolje! (Što ne znači da treba sve narukvice iz kuće da staviš na jednu ruku i da se ništa ne slaže)
- You're going somewhere, you're wearing green jeans, a purple shirt and black high heel shoes.. But you see that's something missing, and that are garish bracelets. When you buy them, sometimes you get about 10 (as shown), and sometimes 1. Both cases are fashionable, but the more the better! (Which doesn't mean you have to put all the bracelets from the house on your hand if nothing matches)
To je to..Imate li neki komentar ili pitanje u vezi sa ovim? :)
That's all.. Do you have any comment or question about this? :)
Imam jedno pitanje:šta misliš o maxi drečavim suknjama?
ОдговориИзбришиsve pohvale za blog :-)
Hm.. Mogu extra da se kombinuju sa svakakvim majicama, košuljama, cipelama- npr : dosta su popularne ovog leta, sve odlično, samo ne znam da li bih ih ja nosila.. :)
ИзбришиHvala tii :))
Možš li da mi pošalješ jedan mejl na :-)